22 Αυγούστου, 2023 athletopian-user

Vellerefontia 2023

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey of determination and achievement at the spectacular Vellerefontia 2023! On July 9th, 2023, at the enchanting port of Nea Makri, you have the opportunity to challenge yourself, inspire others, and create unforgettable memories.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner taking your first steps towards an active lifestyle, Vellerefontia 2023 welcomes participants of all ages and abilities. Lace up your running shoes and prepare to conquer the flat, picturesque landscape that awaits you.
Take on the 6km course, starting at 19:00, pushing your limits and embracing the sheer joy of running alongside fellow enthusiasts. And let’s not forget the 300m Kid’s run at 18:30, where young athletes will experience the thrill of participation and learn the importance of perseverance.

With two well-placed water stations along the course, one located at the first U-turn and one at the finishing line, you will stay refreshed and fueled as you conquer the race and celebrate your triumph at the finish line!

The Association of Marathon Runners TELMISSOS N. Makris – Marathon with the support of the Municipality of Marathon, and under the auspice of the Region of Attica as well as EOSLMA-Y, has a proud history of organizing this successful running event, Vellerefontia, uniting communities and fostering a sense of togetherness for the past 21 years.

As you stand at the starting line, remember that this event is not just about the race itself, but about the journey. So, channel your inner champion, push through any doubts, and let the magic of Vellerefontia 2023 ignite your passion. With every breath, feel the surge of determination coursing through your veins.

Cross that finish line with a triumphant smile, knowing that you’ve achieved something extraordinary. Take pride in your accomplishment and use it as fuel to pursue your dreams beyond the race.

So, mark your calendars for July 9th, 2023, and let Vellerefontia 2023 be the catalyst that propels you towards a future filled with endless possibilities. Embrace the challenge, embrace the journey, and let’s make this event an unforgettable testament to the power of determination. See you at the starting line!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate in Vellerefontia 2023, as there are limited spots available for just 400 participants, so act quickly!
Register here: