22 Αυγούστου, 2023 athletopian-user

4th Laikos dromos fragma limnis Plastira Mouha – Kastania

In summer, we run! On August 6th, we will be participating in the 4th Laikos dromos Fragma Limnis Plastira Mouha-Kastania event. This exciting race is organized by the Cultural Association of Kastania-Mouhas “Agios Tryphon” in collaboration with the Regional Unit of Karditsa and the Municipality of Karditsa. It is an event you shouldn’t miss!

Three dazzling races; 10km, 5km, and 600m kids race.  Which one will you choose? 

The 10km race kicks off at 10:00 am at the Plastira Lake dam while the 5,5km race begins at 09:30 am and has as starting point the Kastanias Camp. Athletes of both races will cross the finish line at Profitis Ilias of Kastania. 

Athletes will be transferred to the starting point by a bus provided by the Municipality of Karditsa, so keep in mind that participants should be present at the Profitis Ilias of the village of Kastania, at Lake Plastira, two hours in advance.

Is there a better feeling than running in a beautiful landscape in the morning? Absolutely not! Yet, to be able to participate, you need first to be sure that you are healthy and completely ready to compete. Safety and enjoyment go hand in hand!

On August 6th, we run together to create memories that will mark this summer forever. Do it for yourself, have fun, and come run to August’s most fascinating event!!

For registrations click the link below: https://event.athletopia.com/laikosdromosfragmalimnisplastirakastaniamouha2023