August 20, 2024 anna

Koufalia Hill Run

“Running makes life more exciting. You just need to always keep your eyes open to see it.” – Dimitra Iordanidou

The Koufalia Tennis Club and the Organizing Committee of the Koufalia Hill Run Dimitra Iordanidou, with the support of local and athletic organizations, happily invite you on Saturday, September 14, 2024, to a celebration of sports and joy featuring the following races and events:


  • 10 km road race

  • 6 km road race

  • Parent-child race

With the aim of promoting a love for sports, encouraging young people to engage in athletic activities, and connecting our fellow citizens with the beautiful environment of Koufalia, we continue the vision of Dimitra Iordanidou. Dimitra was the inspiration behind this wonderful event, filled with passion and dedication to sports.

A few words about how it started:
The Koufalia Hill Run began in the summer of 2018, from an initiative by the Koufalia Tennis Club and local sports enthusiasts. The first race on the Koufalia Hill included a 3 km run with natural obstacles and a 2 km sports game for children with parents.

The initial success, with 70 participants, motivated us to continue. In 2019, with greater zeal and enthusiasm, the event expanded. The 2nd Koufalia Hill Run included a 6 km race without obstacles and an enriched sports game for children with parents, attracting 180 participants and much joy.

Our efforts were supported by sponsors, local organizations, security and health bodies, making the event what it is today.

Dear friends of sports, we invite you to be part of this beautiful celebration, to run, laugh, and experience with us the magic of the Koufalia Hill Run – Dimitra Iordanidou.

For registrations, click here.