July 9, 2024 anna

In the Footsteps of Heroes 2024

In the Footsteps of Heroes

On July 27 and 28, 2024, the 7th race “In the Footsteps of Heroes” of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC will take place, featuring a 102 km route, as well as two relays for two athletes (51.7 + 50.3 km) and four athletes (24.3 + 27.4 + 26.5 + 23.8 km). The start will be given on Saturday, July 27, at 20:00 from the Demophilus Monument in Thespies.

The Sports Cultural Association “Apollon” of Western Attica, in collaboration with the municipalities of Aliartos-Thespies, Levadia, Amfikleia-Tithorea-Elateia, Kamena Vourla, Lamia, and under the auspices of the Region of Central Greece and EOSLMA-Y, will organize this unique event in honor of the heroes of the Battle of Thermopylae.

The race honors the eternal memory of the 300 Spartans, the 700 Thespians, and their other comrades-in-arms, who fought and sacrificed for freedom. Starting from historic Thespies and ending at the Heroes’ Monument in Thermopylae, runners will follow the path of the ancient heroes.

The race program includes:

  • A meal for participating runners at 18:00, offered by the Municipality of Aliartos-Thespies.

  • Distribution of race numbers, cultural program, speeches, and delivery of personal items of the athletes at the Demophilus Monument.

  • 23 checkpoints and supply stations along the route.

Registrations will be open until July 24, 2024. For more information and for those who wish to volunteer, please contact Konstantinos Samios (tel. 210 5900685 and 6976 079500, email: kon.d.sam@gmail.com) and Stavros Tsimakidis (tel. 6974 411515, email: sta-tsi@hotmail.com).

We look forward to seeing you all participate in this historic race and to honor together the eternal memory of the heroes who fought for our freedom. Run with us in the footsteps of the heroes and become part of history!

To register, click here.